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Dec 18, 2012

Bishop Fisher's Sermon on Sandy Hook

Bishop Suffragan Jeff Fisher delivered a sermon at St. Stephen's, Liberty, regarding the Sandy Hook Elementary mass shooting. In the sermon, Fisher issues a call to change, much like John the Baptist did in the Gospel of Luke.


Then after we believe, we ask:
“What then should we do?”
And the answer is that we are to do some soul searching and we are to change:
To change by turning away from evil.
To change by seeking Jesus in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves.
To change by respecting the dignity of every human being.

“What then should we do?”
As Christians, we are not only to believe.
As Christians, we must act and we must change.

Beginning on Friday afternoon, Facebook and Twitter became a place for us, as a nation, to begin to do some soul searching.
And it saddened me that any time on Facebook that someone mentioned the phrase “gun control,”
Then that post became a target for dozens of political comments and accusations and finger pointing.
As a nation, we cannot even have a civil conversation about the issue of gun control without that conversation itself becoming violent.

Read more on Bishop Fisher's Blog.