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Jan 23, 2014 | EDOT Staff

Bishop Invites Churches to Process with Banners at Council

Bishop Doyle invites all churches to process their banners at the Opening Service for Diocesan Council on Friday, February 7, at the Galveston Island Convention Center (5600 Seawall Blvd.) They will remain in place until the close of the business meeting on Saturday, February 8.

Each church is invited to name a representative to carry the banner and provide the banner and a stand. The representative should arrive at the Convention Center beginning at 3 p.m. and no later than 4 p.m. and report to Kevin Robertson or Ken Fields. Upon arrival, the stands and banners will be placed around the perimeter of the room and procession instructions will be given. Please label the flag stand with the church's name and city.

This information should be submitted to Alice Kerr at the Diocesan Center by phone at 713.520.6444; 800.318.4452 or by e-mail to Questions may be addressed to her as well.