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Oct 30, 2012 | Carol E. Barnwell

Bishop to Offer Bonhoeffer Book Study in Advent

christmas sermonsBishop Andy Doyle will lead a book study of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Christmas Sermons during Advent this year. The reflections will be podcast and the Bishop encourages questions on each portion of the book during the week preceding his recording. The podcasts will be available on itunes here.


The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, who look forward to something greater to come. For these, it is enough to wait in humble fear until the Holy One himself comes down to us, God in the child in the manger. God comes. The Lord Jesus comes. Christmas comes. Christians rejoice!”  ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Beginning the first Sunday in Advent, December 2, 2012, the Bishop will post a podcast with his reflections through page 40 of Christmas Sermons; December 9, pages 41-81; December 16, pages 82-143 and December 23, pages 144-181.


“I hope that people will read and send me questions or thoughts in the week previous to each podcasts so that I can respond to those comments in the reflections,” Bishop Doyle said. “I’m excited to see how this interaction works so that we can do additional studies together during Lent and at other times of the year.”


Executed by the Nazis for his complicity in a plot to assassinate Hitler, Bonhoeffer remains with us today through his writings---far-reaching ripples of deep thought, passionate words, and unflinching character. Bonhoeffer's Christmas Sermons spans his seventeen years as a preacher. This collection searches out the power and mystery of the Christmas season: its joyous riches and its implications.


The book is available at your local bookstores or through Write your questions to Bishop Doyle at or send him a Tweet @texasbishop.