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Aug 12, 2011 | EDOT Staff

Bishop Will Request Suffragan Election

Diolog Suffragan ElectionBishop Andy Doyle announced recently that he intends to ask delegates to the 163rd Diocesan Council to approve the election of a bishop suffragan for the eastern region of the diocese when they gather on February 10-11, 2012.  In anticipation of this request, the bishop has also asked a task force to draft a survey to help inform delegates and to help prepare questions that will be asked of candidates.


“I intend to ask the 163rd Diocesan Council to approve the election of a bishop suffragan for the eastern area of our diocese and my hope is that the election would take place sometime in 2012,” Bishop Doyle said.


While a bishop is elected for the whole Church and would visit churches throughout the diocese, the new suffragan would have a particular connection with the congregations in the eastern portion of the Diocese of Texas, which has more than 150 worshipping communities in more nearly 60,000 square miles.  The bishop suffragan would work closely with and under the direction of the bishop diocesan, residing in Tyler, where the diocese has offices on the All Saints’ School campus.


Information on the survey, which will be available online as well as in hard copy, will be forthcoming.