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Nov 12, 2019 | Paulette E. Martin

Block Party Draws Hundreds to Austin Church



St. Mark’s, Austin, celebrated their 60th Anniversary with a bang.

On Sunday, November 10, approximately 750 people attended a neighborhood block party in celebration of the observation. The event was free of charge to the community.

The festivities consisted of live music, games, bounce houses, petting zoo, and a cookout for all age groups to enjoy.

One of the highlights of the event was the Barton Hills Choir performing Leon Rene’s, Rockin' Robin.

"Our vestry decided that we wanted to celebrate our 60th anniversary, not by throwing a party for ourselves, but by hosting a party for our neighborhood. We wanted it to be all gift, no expectations. We didn't charge anything. We didn't collect mailing addresses. We just threw a party and invited everyone we knew," said the Rev. Zachary G. Koons, rector of St. Mark’s.

Koons also shared he was blown away with the response, not only from community who showed up, but also from members from his church who started the BBQ pits at 4 a.m. and served up to 500 plates of barbecue. 

"I already promised at least a hundred different people that it's going to be an every-year thing now. In an age where, for most people, simply crossing the threshold onto any kind of church property is a difficult thing to do, it was a humbling and beautiful thing to witness. We can't wait for next year," Koons added.

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