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May 28, 2015 | Brian Sasser

Bob Flick joins EHF Diocesan Engagement team

The Episcopal Health Foundation is proud to announce that the Rev. Bob Flick has joined EHF as a Diocesan Engagement Officer. He's responsible for developing collaborative work with the Episcopal congregations, particularly in the area of mental health.

"I anticipate a huge opportunity moving forward to impact the health of people throughout the Diocese of Texas in many positive and profound ways," Bob said. "It's very interesting to be in on the ground level as we address the vision and goals of the Foundation with a wonderful, very talented group of people."

Most recently, Bob was Vicar at Lord of the Streets Episcopal Church serving Houston's homeless and disadvantaged. Along with serving many other churches, Bob spent 13 years as Director of Mental Health Services for The Gulf Coast Center in Galveston.