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Dec 09, 2014 | EDOT Staff

Brotherhood of St. Andrew Offers Two Scholarships To Graduating High School Seniors.


The Brotherhood of St. Andrew will give two $2,000 scholarships to eligible high school graduating seniors in the Diocese of Texas in May of 2015. Each parish or mission is allowed to submit a single application for consideration, which should include a letter of recommendation for the candidate. Applications must be submitted to the Brotherhood by April 6, 2015.


Qualifications for the Applicants

-Must be a member of a parish or mission in the Diocese of Texas

-Must have been baptized

-Must be a graduating high school senior in 2015

-Must be planning to attend a college starting in 2015

-Must be in good standing and active in school and church

-Must have a GPA OF 3.5 or better


An application for the Brotherhood of St. Andrew scholarship can be found here. For more information, contact or call Dan Brast at 713.882.5058.