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Oct 14, 2014 | Carol E. Barnwell

Brotherhood Tees It Up For Inner City Youth

Each May, foursomes tee up to raise funds for inner-city youth to experience the outdoors. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew hosts an annual golf tournament annually completely funds a camping trip for a Boy Scout troop that otherwise doesn’t have an opportunity to go camping throughout the year. A majority of the youth are from underserved areas of Houston who are chaperoned by their scout leaders. The Brotherhood covers the cost of the camping trip and prepares meals for the Scouts so they and their leaders can enjoy the activities available at Camp Allen. They also provide a short spiritual program and a worship service for the Scouts during the weekend. 
This year, the youth and scout retreat will be held October 17-19. Scout leaders and participants are not required to pay anything to attend. According to Brotherhood leaders, many of the boys do not eat well at home so they anticipate cooking a lot of nourishing food over the weekend. Remaining funds from the golf tournament help support the Seafarers ministry at the Port of Houston as well as a new scholarship fund for graduating high school seniors.