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Sep 12, 2013 | Alison Sawyer

Bryan Church Presents Life Stories: Authors in Their Own Words

St. Andrew's is excited to invite members of the Bryan College Station community to reflect how their experiences as authors and writers have shaped, changed, or influenced their lives; and how they were called to write.


"Our goal with these continuing conversations is to provide an opportunity for members of our community to share and learn through listening and discussion on a variety of topics," said Alison Sawyer, St. Andrew's Director of Communications." Through the Downtown Dialogue, we hope to grow thought, inspire ideas, and open minds." The public is invited to bring a brownbag lunch to the programs, held 12-1 the parish hall.


On September 20, St. Andrew's welcomes Barbara Donalson Althaus. Barbara Donalson Althaus is the author of Kyle Tough: The Saga of Texas A&M's Rise to Power in Athletics & Agriculture, 1902-1956. Barbara shares about her writing: "In the beginning, my writing started as a move to document history – based on many years of documenting genealogy," she said. She continues "...if we don’t document, our stories will be forever lost.  After getting into the saga of Kyle Tough, and uncovering Dean Kyle’s inspirational story, my writing evolved into payback for inspiration I’ve received."  Barbara commented that she wanted to share his [Dean Kyle's] struggles and successes. "I’d like all Aggies to think, when they look at Kyle Field, that they, too, can achieve great heights."


The other fall speakers include David McIntire, author of Centerline on Friday, October 27. Centerline tells the story of the last leg of that journey through the eyes of patients, crew, and medical caregivers making the trip home from military hospitals just before Christmas at the height of the surge in Iraq.


And on Friday, November 22, Dr. Sylvia Grider, local author and St. Andrew's parishioner,  plans to share about how the Bonfire Collapsed impacted her career. She will also reference an essay she wrote called Spontaneous Shrines: A Modern Response to Tragedy and Disaster, which included Preliminary Observations Regarding the Spontaneous Shrines Following the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001.


For more information, email Alison Sawyer, or visit