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May 28, 2013

Bryan Priest Discusses Social Responsibility in Downtown Dialogue

Downtown Dialogue - BryanSt. Andrew's, Bryan has been hosting a series of dialogues, once a month, on comparative religion featuring speakers from the Episcopal, Catholic, Jewish and Ismaic faiths. At the lunchtime gathering on Friday, the Rev. David Hoster spoke on social responsibility in the wake of the terrible tragedies in Boston, West, and Moore, Oklahoma.


The Bryan College Station Eagle reported:


Hoster said it was important for people to be charitable, not just avoid sinful behavior.


“Then, as now, charity is discretionary. We can do it or not do it. It’s a luxury we can indulge in ...,” Hoster said of some attitudes.


“The real danger for Christians, in patronizing the poor with charity, is that our actual intent may be to affirm that they are not like us. If they are the people who need charity we must be the people who don’t need charity. We are essential to them but they are not essential to us. The minute you start saying you don’t need members of your family, then you don’t have a family anymore, and you’ve parted company not only with each other but with God, your father, as well.”


Read more from the Eagle here.