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Sep 28, 2011 | EDOT Staff

Camp Allen Prepares Site for New Lakeside Meeting Center

CA Lakeside Meeting Center
The new site for the Lakeside Meeting Center

Camp Allen has cleared an area for construction of the new Lakeside Meeting Center. The new Lakeside Meeting Center will be built next to Lake Coffield, and it will be able to host 60 people with a large screen porch overlooking the lake.


"The Lake is currently down 15 feet or more," said Camp Allen President George Dehan. "The large lake is fed by the small lake from a stream which had been dammed by beavers. Now that we have cleared that out, we hope to have some new flowing water. With rainfall scarce, it is going to take a long time to return to normal."


Dehan also noted that the new Lakeside Meeting Center could be named in honor of a family with a "modest" donation.