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Sep 27, 2018

Canon Carol Petty Retires from Diocesan Staff

The Rev. Carol Petty, Canon for Wellness and Pastoral Care and Safe Guarding Minister, will retire effective October 1 after serving five years on the diocesan staff. Under her leadership, the focus of the Diocese's safeguarding ministry expanded beyond compliance with policies to include the establishment of safe, healthy ministry environments across the Diocese of Texas.  To that end, Petty and her team developed the Ministry of Wellness and Care to encourage parishes, schools, and organizations to create cultures of health, safety and mutual care in their ministry contexts. Petty also developed ministries of clergy wellness and pastoral care to clergy.  

“It has been a true privilege and joy to serve as EDOT’s Canon for Wellness and Pastoral Care," Petty said. "May God continue to bless you with wisdom and wellness.”

Petty previously served as rector at Holy Comforter in Angleton, and assistant rector at Trinity in Longview.  We wish her well as she retires to spend more time with her family: husband George Zwicker and their 17 (!) grandchildren. Petty’s successor, Canon Lisa Hines succeeds Petty and began in August to ensure a smooth transition.