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Oct 01, 2012 | Chris Ortiz

CANTARE to Open 10th Season with Concert at St. Martin's

cantareCANTARE Houston, Houston's premier professional chamber choir, presents the opening concert of its Tenth Anniversary season, Saturday, October 13 at 7:00pm at St. Martin's, Houston (717 Sage Road at Woodway). Tickets are available at the door or online at


In the glorious cathedral-styled space of St. Martin's Episcopal Church, CANTARE Houston presents treasures of the English cathedral repertoire. Come hear the music that was playing during the famous scandals and drama of the Tudors, the tawdry pomp and circumstance of three Georges, the prosperity of Victorian expansion on which "the sun never set," and the brilliance of Elizabethan England. Savor music from across the ages - in all its splendor and acrimony - by Byrd, Tomkins, Gibbons, Parsons, Purcell, Handel, Vaughan Williams, Stanford, Walton, Tavener and Chilcott.


CANTARE is joined by St. Martin's organist and Director of Music, Dr. David Henning.