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Sep 23, 2015

Changes in Ordination Process Announced


To sustain the Diocese of Texas’ focus on mission, a task force of the Commission on Ministry has designed processes to support mission efforts across the Diocese. Two new features now mark diocesan discernment work: Discovery Retreats and Regional Discernment Committees.


The first Discovery Retreat will be offered January 15-17, 2016. It will begin at 3:00 pm on Friday and conclude by noon on Sunday and will include worship, education about discernment, self-reflections and the opportunity to learn about various forms of ministry and mission across the Diocese. The retreat is limited to the first 30 applicants. Registration will be available on the Camp Allen website after November 1, 2015.


After January 1, 2016, anyone applying for consideration to ordained ministry will be required to participate in a Discovery Retreat.   Following the completion of the Discovery Retreat, participants may request, through the head of their congregation, further discernment with a Regional Discernment Committee. In 2016, Regional Discernment Committees will replace Local Discernment Committees in the canonical process.


The Regional Discernment Committee will provide a report to the head of the congregation and the vestry for further discernment. The application process to be considered for ordained ministry remains the same.


All baptized Christians are called to take their places in the continuing ministry of Jesus in the world. Ministry takes as many forms as there are people and needs in the world. The Diocese empowers the full range of ministries of the baptized for both lay and ordained.


For those for whom lay ministry is the call, various resources are available for follow-up formation. To support this, the IONA School of Ministry is expanding its curriculum to provide support and training for lay ministries. More details will be made available as this work progresses.


Questions about the Discovery Retreat should be directed to the Rev. Wendy Huber at .


Questions about the Regional Discernment Committees should be directed to The Rev. Victoria Mason at or the Rev. Francene Young at .