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Mar 13, 2015

Changing Education Landscape Leads to School Closure in Austin


St. James’ Episcopal School, Austin, will close its doors at the end of the current school year in May after nearly two decades of serving the diverse community of Austin’s east side.


The announcement was made by St. James’ rector, the Rev. Lisa Saunders, who said the decision came on the recommendation of the school’s Board of Trustees and was approved by St. James’ vestry.


“This decision … is a reflection of the changing financial and educational climate,” Saunders said. Adding that the school had served “a good purpose when there were no alternatives and public funding.”


Currently, there are more opportunities for early childhood education in the community, which have made St. James’ original mandate redundant and financially challenging. The school has always relied on a high percentage of donations from individuals and foundations and as more options have become available, Saunders said she believed “generous donors will be able to reallocate their resources to support the larger mission of providing quality education in the critical early years.”


The church remains committed to benefitting neighborhood children and families and is seeking other groups who can make use of the educational assets it has on the campus from the school—buildings and materials. They will also continue to look for ways in which to enhance their own ministry with children and youth.


Saunders said there are planned meetings with families who are members of the church and have children in the school to help them make smooth transitions to other schools. There will be a special liturgy at 10:15 on May 17 to celebrate the ministry of the school.