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Aug 04, 2017

Checkin with the Episcopal Asset Map

EHF has partnered with the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) to add information to an interactive database of the Episcopal Church called the Episcopal Asset Map. The goal of the database is to capture congregational outreach and mission work.

The Episcopal Diocese of Texas Asset Map serves as a repository for all the ministries and community outreach for churches within the diocese and provides the opportunity to let others know what community outreach and resources each congregation offers. The information supports EHF’s work to identify interest areas and opportunities for collaboration and partnerships.

Each individual church provides the content describing their church and their involvement in the community. So far, 115 congregations in the Diocese of Texas have uploaded information to the map – check to see what is listed for your church!

New to the Asset Map: Since the launch of the Episcopal Asset Map, ERD has added a few changes. The homepage and mapping have been improved for better visibility and search functions using the map, and to simplify the editing process. In addition, the database itself now runs faster and returns quick search results when searching for specific ministries.

Asset Map San Pablo.JPG

You can also use the Asset Map to connect with congregations doing similar community ministry and gather new ideas from across the country.

This is a great time to review the information on your church and add any updates or new ministries that have evolved since the Asset map was launched. You do not have to be clergy or staff to make changes to your asset map. The database works best with contributions from congregation members to keep the profile current with any new initiatives and ministries. Anyone can update a congregation’s profile by submitting information using the “edit” tab on the congregation’s home page. Any updates to church pages are reviewed by an administrator before they are published.

Remember, the Asset Map is an opportunity to tell the story of your congregational outreach ministries and engagement with community in a compelling way. For ideas, please read EHF's article on 3 Ways to Improve Your Asset Map.

More information on updating your congregations profile can be found on our Asset Map webpage.

Need technical assistance or have questions regarding update or how to get started? Email Melodee Toles or call at (832) 658-2662!