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Jun 05, 2013

Christ Church Cathedral Sends "Flat Andy" on Summer Travels

bishop doyle and flat andy
Bishop Doyle with Flat Andy

Several years ago St. Andrew's, Pearland, encouraged parishioners to take photographs with "Flat Andy" on their vacations and when they visit other churches. "Flat Andy" was a paper doll representing their church. The church's online photo gallery exploded with parishioners visiting across the globe. Flat Andy even got buried in the sand at the beach.

This year, the idea spread to Christ Church Cathedral, in Houston. Jen Frazer, the Cathedral's minister for communication, sent out a paper doll in the likeness of the diocesan bishop, Andy Doyle, and is encouraging photos of "Flat Andy" with parishioners visiting churches while on vacation be sent to Facebook or posted via Twitter with the hashtag #FlatAndy. Parishioner Judy Minshew created the drawing.


"This not only encourages parishioners to attend church while they are away from home, it keeps them in touch with their own parish family," said Dean Barkley Thompson.  "I hope it also stimulates some energetic conversation about other church experiences when everyone is back home," he added.

The Flat Andy idea emerged originally from the 1964 children's book Flat Stanley, by Jeff Brown, which promoted literacy and community. The idea is easily convertible to Flat Mary or Flat Mark, and Frazer hopes more churches will take up the notion. Frazer emailed the Flat Andy graphic to families at the cathedral in their regular enews. Each person can print and cut out the image to take on the road.


flat andy image


Download Flat Andy Here