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Apr 26, 2021

Christ Church, Nacogdoches Community Donates Thousands of Pounds of Food

Christ Church, Nacogdoches, is making a difference in food security within their community.

A year ago, and a month into the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, the Rev. Wanda W. Cuniff, deacon at Christ Church, discovered Helping Other People Eat (HOPE) food pantry in Nacogdoches.

She soon found out the food pantry was lacking many items such as peanut butter, beans, rice and boxed cereals to meet the needs of their clients.

Cuniff decided to place a red wagon on the porch of the church office, and asked parishioners and friends of the parish to donate those items.

A year later, over 3,700 pounds of these items have been donated to their food pantry to supplement what people can receive from the East Texas Food Bank.