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Jul 08, 2011

Church Pension Group Launches New Website

The new website is organized around who the user is – cleric, lay employee, or administrator.


Under the broad heading of Retirement, for example, there are sections about pensions, planning for retirement, and investing for retirement. Under the broad heading of Insurance are sections about health and wellness, life insurance, disability insurance, and property and casualty coverage.


In addition to the forms, publications, and other content that constituents have come to depend upon, there are tools, videos, checklists, and helpful links.


The new design was informed by extensive one-on-one interviews and user testing with active and retired clergy and lay employees, and administrators at the diocesan and parish levels, as well as the latest research findings regarding best practices in web usability.


The newly designed home page at has three main sections: clergy, lay employees, and administrators.


The administrators’ home page at makes it easy to access the content that administrators use the most for managing pension, medical, and other benefits. The special resource pages about the Lay Employees Pension System and the Denominational Health Plan are still there, as are the forms, publications, benefit updates, and links that administrators depend upon.


The landing pages for active clergy at and retired clergy at take the user to specially tailored content, forms, and features.The landing pages for active lay employees at and retired lay employees at take the user to specially tailored content, forms, and features.


“We hope all of our constituents will enjoy exploring the new website,” said Patricia Favreau, CPG’s E.V.P., Chief Marketing Officer, “and we encourage them to visit often.”