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Sep 10, 2020

Clergy Conference Registration Open

The registration for Clergy Conference is now open. Please click here to be taken to the Camp Allen Registration system.  

This year's Clergy Conference is shifting from its original schedule and speaker lineup to a Clergy Retreat with optional activities and an open schedule. Starting Sunday, October 25 at Camp Allen we are offering five one-night sessions that will end on Friday, October 30, with each participant having the option to attend two consecutive sessions.  Each session will be capped at 50 clergy at a time to ensure proper social distancing and single occupancy rooms. 

It is our hope that you might take some time to retreat from your daily work for quiet reflection and rejuvenation. We hope that you will take advantage of the available program for each day which will be simple and voluntary, and will provide you an opportunity for spiritual and physical renewal. You can expect the Daily Office in All Saints' Chapel, guided and open camp activities, meals and outdoor spacious social time, and time with the bishops.

Camp Allen is following guidelines from the health and government authorities as well as the diocese, and has taken numerous safety measures to help keep you safe during your stay.

We are in the process of rescheduling this year's speaker lineup to the 2021 Clergy Conference.

If you have questions, please contact Julie Pare.