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Sep 27, 2011 | Allie Sherwood

Commentary: Camp Good News is a Life Changing Experience

Allie Sherwood is a parishioner at Holy Trinity, Port Neches. Below is her account of her experience as a counselor at Camp Good News, a ministry at Camp Allen for children with parents in prison.


Camp Good News, summer 2011, was a life changing experience for me.


I had the opportunity to be a counselor to children that have close family members in jail. We were told that we needed to be positive, loving, sharing and attention giving people to these campers. All of the staff had to leave our comfort zones and make this become the best week of their lives.


I now know that God called me to the experience of Camp Good News from the first time I learned about this camp. One night I stood in front of the entire camp and shared my never-been-told testimony. I felt God was calling me to do so. I was not prepared, but he spoke through my lips. The aftermath of tears and emotions brought the campers so much closer to their counselors and their friends. Their stories were devastatingly sorrowful and heart-wrenching, but you have to be strong for the kids and remind them that they can trust you. After all, we are there solely for them. Loving these kids and showing compassion to them was so easy.


It was such a blessing to experience the joy of seeing these campers just have fun! They got to ride horses, canoe on the lake, bounce off the blob, and splash and play in the water. One night they even got to dance with all of their friends.


For many of thecampers this was their first time. But many of the return campers say that they countdown the time until they get to return to Camp Allen once again. This time is such a blessing to these kids and for many, an escape from everyday life. Camp Good News is an opportunity for them to just enjoy themselves and be in a setting that they can grow spiritually with God.


The last day of camp is full of sniffles as the new friendships and bonds go separate ways. This camp is so important because young people get to escape their horrendous situations and go somewhere and simply smile and laugh and learn about a never ending love from our Heavenly Father. It is a chance of a lifetime for all who partake!


To learn more about Camp Good News, contact Ed Davis.