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May 21, 2012 | Larry Simons

Commentary: Journey to Wholeness is Hard Work

Journey to Wholeness

Larry Simons wrote "Journey to Wholeness" a book
to help people move through grief. 

On November 14, 2007 my world was shattered. My precious daughter Cammie committed suicide. I could not function. I thought her death might kill me. In our book Journey to Wholeness my therapist and I write about my Journey back.


By working through the grief, by doing the hard work that it takes to return to wholeness, I have become a different person. I am able to look at life in a totally different way. My values have changed. My character has changed. My priorities have changed.


At first I was angry at God because Cammie was taken away, but out of my great grief I came to an understanding that life is a gift. I now understand that everything in life is a gift and I am only a steward. Cammie was an incredible gift. God graciously gave her to me for a season, but I never possessed her, she was a gift. I came to a point of great gratitude in my life. I am now able to give thanks to God for sharing her with me and allowing me to be her earthly father. She has returned to the loving arms of her heavenly Father and I know I will see her again. 


Larry Simons has written a book, "Journey to Wholeness: The Story, The Tools, The Choice". In it, he explains how to rise above the worst tragedies of your life, and start to heal your broken heart. Click here to order the book.