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Oct 06, 2011 | EDOT Staff

Compass Rose Society Announces New Appointments to Board

Andy WelcomeBishop Andy Doyle has been named to the board of the Anglican Communion’s Compass Rose Society. The group provides annual financial support to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Anglican Consultative Council. His appointment and that of Carlos Muñoz of White Plains, NY took place at the Compass Rose’s annual meeting in London in September.


“I look forward to serving in this capacity,” said Bishop Doyle, “to help increase the mission reach of the Anglican Communion through a society of friends. I believe a healthy proclamation of the Gospel takes a global partnership of generosity.”


Robert Biehl, the treasurer of the Diocese of Texas also serves as treasurer on the board. Founded in 1997, the Compass Rose Society takes its name from the symbol of the Anglican Communion. More information can be found at: