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May 07, 2020

Congregation Preparedness: Communications Test and Congregation Planning Guide

It is the time of year when we turn our attention to preparing for the upcoming hurricane season. If needed the diocese will use Alert Media’s messaging features for emergency communications. Beginning May 14, 2020 we will test our emergency communications protocol.

Heads of congregations: We will run a test of the Alert Media TEXTING system on Thursday,

May 14, 2020 at 10:15 a.m. The May 14 test will be directed only to heads of congregations. Please reply quickly so that we may assure our communications readiness.

Heads of congregations: We will also run a test of the Alert Media EMAIL system the same day, on

Thursday, May 14, at 2:15 p.m. The May 14 test will be directed only to heads of congregations. Please reply quickly so that we may assure our communications readiness.

If you do not receive one of these communication readiness messages and believe you should have, please notify .

Please note that phone and text communications sent via Alert Media will NOT show a diocesan phone number, but DIOCESE OF TEXAS will be noted at the beginning of all messages.

Additionally, in the event of a disaster, conference calls may be held for those in affected regions. If this is the case, you will receive advance notice through the Alert Media system.

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS GUIDE:  Download the diocesan Congregation Preparedness Guide and complete it with your leadership team. Completing and updating this workbook on an annual basis is good stewardship and builds community resilience. Additionally, the benefits of this emergency plan extend well beyond weather related events.


Preparedness for Congregations

Preparedness for Individuals and Families