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Mar 05, 2019

Crossroads of Faith: An Exploration of Houston’s Diverse Sacred Sites

It’s no secret that Houston is one of the country’s most diverse cities embracing a wide variety of different cultures, ethnicities and food. The same can be said for religion.

To celebrate and study the richness of Houston’s faith community, the Archaeological Institute of America – Houston Society, Archaeology Now and Christ Church Cathedral are inviting Houstonians to join them on Saturday, March 9 for a tour of some of Houston’s most sacred places as part of Archaeology Now’s Winter Heritage Tour: “Crossroads of Faith: An Exploration of Houston’s Diverse Sacred Sites.”

“When immigrants first arrived in Houston, their faith often offered solace in an unfamiliar land,” said Becky Lao, executive director of Archaeology Now. “New arrivals to the city erected places of worship, not only to preserve belief but to provide a sense of community and share resources.”

This one-day experience will include a tour and exploration of the Greek Orthodox Christians, the mysticism of Hare Krishna Hindus and the universal ideals of Daoists and Buddhists.

“All are a testimony to the incredible richness of belief in our city and will teach us about one of the most intimate aspects of a person’s identity, their faith,” said Lao. 

Participants will gather at Christ Church Cathedral, located at 1117 Texas Street at 10 a.m.  and take a bus to travel to the following places of worship:


  • Saint Basil the Great Greek Orthodox Church– Saint Basil the Great Greek Orthodox Church is a parish of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver and is located at 1100 Eldridge Parkway in Houston. It is the home or a large, exquisite collection of icons. The Orthodox Church today, numbering over 250 million worldwide, is a communion of self-governing Churches, each administratively independent of the other, but united by a common faith and spirituality. Their underlying unity is based on identity of doctrines, sacramental life and worship, which distinguishes Orthodox Christianity.
  • Hare Krishna Temple and Cultural Center – The Hare Krishna Temple and Cultural Center is part of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKON) of Houston. The Hindu temple centers its faith around Krishna. The name Krishna means that “he possesses all luxuries in full and is a source of beauty, strength, knowledge, fame and renunciation.” The Hare Krishna Temple is located at 1320 W 34th Street in Houston. 
  • Guandi Temple – Located at 3711 Gulf Freeway across from the University of Houston, the temple was founded in 1999 in honor of the God of Prosperity. It provides Buddhists, Doasistsand Confucianists a place to meditate and celebrate their diversity.  Buddhism is the world’s fourth-largest religion with more than 520 million followers and encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices based on the original teachings attributed to Buddha.

Tickets are $55 and include transportation to all three sites and lunch at the Hare Krishna Temple. Call 713.364.6344 for tickets or go online to

For more information about Archaeology Now’s upcoming events, visit


About Archaeology Now
Archaeology Now promotes awareness and appreciation of world cultures through archaeology. Fifty-one years ago, the organization was founded by Dominique de Menil, Philip Oliver-Smith, and Walter Widrig. Today, through our programming, we seek to find common links to those who have come before us, to acknowledge the basic dignity of all humankind, and ultimately to advance mutual understanding among Houston’s diverse community.

Additional programs sponsored by Archaeology Now include family events; heritage tourism; and cemetery preservation.  Please visit the Archaeology Now website at