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Oct 31, 2014 | EDOT Staff

Cutivating the Kingdom Through Creativity

Trinity to Host Writing Workshop

Dave Harrity teaches people how to use their creativity as a devotional practice, traveling the country educating people about the intersection of faith and imagination. He will lead a Peace, Poety and Practice workshop at Trinity, Midtown Houston, Friday November 7, from 6:30-8:30 and Saturday, November 8, 10-3. Harrity will also preach on Sunday.


Harrity wrote Making Manifest: On Faith, Creativity and the Kingdom at Hand, a book of meditations and exercises designed for personal spiritual growth and innovative community building. Through poetry, writing practice, contemplation and personal reflection, Harrity explores the way people can begin to renew and awaken faith by daily creative practice.

Harrity is the founder and director of Antler, an organization that, through onsite and digital content, helps people engage creativity as a devotional practice for spiritual formation through workshops, retreats and consultations.


Pieces that participants write during the workshop will become Trinity’s Advent Meditation booklet. Suggested cost of the workshop is between $25 and $100. Find more information at: