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May 19, 2015 | ENS Staff

Dallas Diocese Elects George Sumner Bishop

The Rev. Canon George Sumner, 60, was elected May 16 to serve as the seventh bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, pending the required consents from a majority of bishops with jurisdiction and standing committees of The Episcopal Church.


“I am humbled and grateful to God for my election,” Sumner said. “It will be a great privilege to share in the ministry Christ has given us all together in the Diocese of Dallas. I would like to express my appreciation for my fellow candidates and the remarkable transition team. I ask for your prayers and help in the days to come.”


Sumner is currently the principal of Wycliffe College in Toronto, Canada, and was one of four nominees on the ballot. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Harvard College, a Master of Divinity  from Yale Divinity School and a Ph.D. in theology from Yale University. He is married to Stephanie and has two children.


The bishop-elect received 77 clergy votes and 107 lay votes on the fourth ballot during a special convention held at the Episcopal School of Dallas. In order to be elected, a candidate needed to receive a simple majority of votes within both the clergy order and the lay order on the same ballot. Following a successful consent process, Sumner will be consecrated as bishop on Nov. 14.


Bishop Suffragan Paul E. Lambert has served as bishop pro-tem since the Rt. Rev. James Stanton retired May, 2014 after serving for 21 years as Bishop of Dallas. Lambert said he happily anticipates a renewed excitement and energy a new bishop will bring to the diocese.


“I look forward to working with Bishop-elect Sumner as we move into our next period of transition, the consent process,” Lambert said. “The future of the diocese looks bright and is in good hands.”


The other nominees were the Rev. Mike Michie, the Rev. David Read and the Rev. Leigh Spruill.