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Jan 19, 2017

Days for Girls Ministry Hosts "Sewathon"

St. Thomas, Nassau Bay hosted more than 65 women and five students from five area Episcopal churches to sew washable feminine hygiene products for young girls who don’t have access to modern hygiene products. Without the reusable kits, many girls—around the world and in the U.S.—aren’t able to attend school for a number of days each month causing them to fall behind and, in some cases, leave school altogether. The kits also remind girls that their bodies are their own and that they are worthy of health, opportunity and dignity.

Twenty-three women from St. Thomas participated: cutting fabric, stitching, ironing, attaching snaps and drawstrings and/or providing food for lunch. Prior to Saturday’s event, a behind-the-scenes crew made sure the electrical facilities could accommodate 50+ sewing machines and sergers and multiple irons.

The next group sewathon will be held at Good Shepherd, Friendswood on Saturday, Feb. 18. 

To participate, call Fran Lantz at 713.560.2971 or email her .

For “Every Girl. EveryWhere. Period.” Learn more at