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Oct 24, 2013 | EDOT Staff

Diocesan Choral Festival Offers Unique Worship Experience


The 54th Annual Diocesan Adult Choral Festival took place over the weekend. Singers from 16 different parishes joined together last weekend to sing at Christ Church Cathedral, sponsored by the Diocesan Music Commission's Festival Committee.


Dr. Alan Raines of St. Paul's, Waco and Baylor University was this year's Festival Conductor. He conducted rehearsals on Saturday and Sunday, in addition to the Sunday morning 11 a.m. service and the Festival Service at 6 p.m. Though attendees were challenged by Saturday morning parades in downtown Houston which blocked streets and interfered with Saturday's rehearsal, most believed that the Festival was the best ever.  Choral selections included Mendelssohn's "He Watching Over Israel" and Britten's "Jubilate Deo." 


Every year, choirs from all parishes are invited to join the combined choirs of the Diocesan Choral Festival, where a nationally-known conductor gathers our group and leads our Festival Worship. 


The event is a yearly opportunity for instruction in choral technique, fellowship with other choirs, meaningful musical worship at the Cathedral and community-building for parish choirs. Choirs may register as a group, or individual singers may register and attend on their own. The public is invited to attend the 6 p.m. service at the Cathedral, with a reception following in Reynolds Hall.  


The 2014 Choral Festival is scheduled for October 18-19. Save the date! For more details and forms, contact or