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Dec 05, 2013 | EDOT Staff

Diocese Announces Youth Delegates to Council

The Division of Youth is entitled to one lay youth delegate from each convocation in the Diocese as the Diocesan Youth Presence. Each youth delegate under the age of 18 has seat and voice without the right to vote. This year's Diocesan Council takes place in Galveston and the youth will be housed at Grace Episcopal Church, Galveston. Meals, lodging, and transportation to and from the convention center will be provided.


"For the first time in many years, we are thrilled to announce a strong group of diverse youth delegates to diocesan council!" said Matt Blank, diocesan missioner for youth and young adults. "There was a lot of interest, and I am proud that our youth know they have a place to belong and stand in the Church."


The 2014 Youth Delegates to Council are below:


North East // Marie Nickle - St. Cyprian's, Lufkin

Galveston // Sean Peterson - Good Shepherd, Friendswood

North West // Taylor Romig - St. Paul's, Waco

South West // Anna Clark - Calvary, Richmond

South East // Drew Dugger - St. Stephen's, Liberty

East Harris // Brian Bourgeois - St. Mark's, Houston

San Jacinto // Hunter Kolon - St. Dunstan's, Houston

Austin // Oliver Chapin-Eiserloh - St. David's, Austin


Congrats to all delegates! To learn more about Council visit