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Oct 10, 2013

Diocese of Peshawar Newsletter Details All Saints' Bombing

The September issue of The Frontier News, the Diocese of Peshawar's newsletter, features several accounts of the massacre bombing of All Saints' Church in Peshawar, Pakistan.


"All of a sudden, two suicide bombers attacked, and blew themselves almost simultaneously, with a gap of 5-6 seconds only, killing and injuring many, there was chaos all around," the newsletter reads. "People were lying on the ground as if they were in a fierce battlefield. The injured were crying, shouting, and bleeding to death. About 46 people died on the spot, and hundreds of them were injured...The scenario was unbelievable; it was the biggest ever suicidal bomb attack in Peshawar. A massacre of its own kind, killing over 114, and the number of injured exceeds over 163."


The newsletter details the horrible events, including the difficulty of accomodating so many people at the local hospital. According to the newsletter, local Christian nurses came in on their day off to help the hospital staff. "They rushed to the hospital, as they themselves had cancelled their day-off. Their presence reinforced the medical aid and uplifted the spirit of others."


The newsletter also details the help received from the local Muslim community. "The nearby Muslim community helped to carry the injured to the hospitals and provided a good number of ambulances. It was them who carried all the injured to the hospital, and delivered the coffins to their homes... The Muslims and Christian community volunteers together made sure that no body touches the women, except their own family. At such times, there is always a danger that the criminal natured people may snatch away the jewelry from the dead or the injured. However, due to the timely intervention it was prevented and no such incident occurred. It was a great show of friendship, brotherhood and unity among the Muslims and Christians, never seen before."


The locals in Peshawar held memorial services and protests, chanting slogans against terrorism. The newsletter also details the heart-wrenching story of a massive burial service, where some entire families were laid to rest.


The final entry in the newsletter discusses the failing political peace efforts in the fight against the Taliban:


Now, the question is, if they hold a dialogue with the Talibans, what kind of demands the Taliban would put, and how they will be fulfilled or accepted by the government. As everybody knows, they want ‘Shariah Law’ and the kind of Shariah law which is unacceptable to many, and which is against the constitution of Pakistan. One wonders how could it happen, and at what cost? Recently, the Talibans announced that the attack on the Church was as per the Islamic Sharia Laws, whereas, all the Pakistani religious scholars and Mufti’s of all the Muslim sects unanimously announced that the attack on the church was against the Shariah law, against the teachings of Islam and against the religion. As Islam strongly favors’ the protection of religious minorities and of their worship places. Nevertheless, the Talibans never stopped blowing up the Mosques, the Shrines and the Churches. Their Shariah and their laws are totally different than others, i.e. the masses. In such a scenario, one wonders how the government could hold dialogue with Talibans, and how their demands could be met by the government. However, the ‘Talks Process’ continues behind the curtain, and the masses are waiting for the positive results. Nevertheless, they are looking forward for other options as well. Meanwhile, the injured are still bleeding and relatives are still burying their dead, overwhelmed by grief.


To read the entire newsletter, click here.


Bridges to Pakistan, an initiative started by priests in the Diocese of Texas, is also accepting donations. Checks can be made payable to Bridges to Pakistan, a registered 501 (c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible and should be mailed to Bridges to Pakistan c/o The Rev. Reagan Cocke, 2450 River Oaks Blvd, Houston, TX 77019. Contact Cocke at for further information or call him at 713.354.2229.