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Feb 12, 2013 | EDOT Staff

Diocese of Texas Launches LOGOS Project


The Episcopal Diocese of Texas announces the launch of the LOGOS Project, a video series presenting global faith leaders offering their expertise on theological, practical and spiritual topics.

The project was conceived in 2012 as the Church’s version of TED Talks, the online video phenomenon at featuring “ideas worth spreading.” Like TED Talks, the LOGOS videos are free and available online for any person or congregation to use personally or for group teaching opportunities.

The first featured videos spotlight an array of influential Christian thinkers including: the Bishop of Southern Malawi, the Rt. Rev. James Tengatenga; multicultural expert, the Rev. Eric Law; celebrated author and Benedictine, Sister Joan Chittister; acclaimed author Brian McLaren; pre-eminent Old Testament scholar, Dr. Walter Brueggeman; and celebrated speaker and author, the Rev. Paul Zahl.

The Diocese of Texas will continue to add videos from events around the country with the help of Episcopal and ecumenical partners. Soon, additional materials will be available including study questions for small groups.

Visit to experience the Logos Project.