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Feb 08, 2012 | EDOT Staff

Diocese of Texas Seeks Director for Common Mission

The Episcopal Diocese of Texas (EDOT) is seeking a director, lay or ordained, to lead the Office for Common Mission (formerly Outreach). The director will build a new, overarching diocesan leadership team for Common Mission; be a resource for congregations; and serve in a variety of capacities. Click here for a full job description.


"One of the things the Church does is serve Jesus Christ in our communities. We are beginning a search for a new director for common mission - what we have known previously as 'outreach.' Whether lay or clergy, we are looking for the best qualified person, with a heart for God's people, to join the diocesan staff and provide support to all our congregations," said Bishop Andy Doyle.


The Director of Common Mission will oversee Mission Funding and regularly scheduled conferences for common mission. He/She will act as liaison for the Bishop to ministries such as Episcopal Migration Ministries, Jubilee Ministries and other Episcopal Church organizations. The Director will partner in the work of EDOT deacons, congregational coordinators, Episcopal Relief & Development, diocesan emergency response coordinators and World Mission efforts.


Applications will be received from February 3 - April 18, 2012, with a hiring date of June 1, 2012.  Each qualifying candidate will be invited to interview at Camp Allen on May 2 or 3, at which time the candidate must give a 20-minute presentation on a topic to be provided approximately two weeks prior to the interview. Travel expenses will be reimbursed.


Interested applicants should email their resume with three references and answers to the following essay questions to  . 

1. Describe your theology of mission. Include how it informs your work and how you understand it to fit within the Anglican/Episcopal tradition.

2. Describe a specific project or period of time in your ministry in which you were able to engage and invite multiple and divergent groups into problem-solving and common mission for living into the Baptismal Covenant.


For more job opportunities, visit our employment page.