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Jul 10, 2014 | EDOT Staff

Diocese Sets Creative Initiatives and Second Campus Workshop


The Rev. Clay Lien

Successful church planter and newly named rector of St. John the Divine, Houston, the Rev. Clay Lien, will be the keynote speaker at a daylong workshop on growing congregations on Saturday August 30 at St. Michael’s, Austin.


The daylong workshop, sponsored by the Diocesan Greenfield Commission, will focus on church growth through creative initiatives, unique expressions and second campuses. The workshop for clergy and lay leadership will be held from 8:30 – 3:30.


Interactive discussion and examples of successful programs will also be featured. Participants are encouraged to bring their own stories to share. At the conclusion of the workshop, any interested congregation’s representatives can meet one-on-one or be matched with a mentor from the Greenfield Commission.


Lien graduated from Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry and is the founding pastor of St. Philip’s, Frisco, TX. He is the author of Ordinary Faith, published in 2008, about “finding real faith in ordinary life,” and was called to lead St. John the Divine in June 2014. 


Pre-registration is required as lunch will be provided. There is no charge for the workshop. To register, send your name, home church, email and phone number to Julie Heath at . Note “Building the Kingdom of God” in the subject line. St. Michael’s is located at: 1500 N. Capital of Texas Hwy, Austin,