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Sep 10, 2014

Drilling for Clean Water in Nicaragua

A team from St. Christopher, League City, and Living Water International reports back on their current trip to Nicaragua.


Team from St. Christopher,
League City, in Nicaragua.

"We have had a powerful and very successful mission trip so far. The team is geling perfectly and very much embracing the heart of the trip - serving as Christ's ambassadors by sharing The Gospel, teaching good hygiene practices, installing the fresh water well, and befriending our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua.


The village has been waiting for a long time for clean water. The hygiene team has been most dynamic teaching the lessons with the women (about 42) and beautiful children (about 60). Loads of laughter and fun. 


The drilling process has been totally successful, but we got very dirty. Every ten seconds drilling down is followed by backing up a couple feet and releasing a burst of mud. We were drilling almost totally through rock. We reached 65 ft and were stopped by impenetrable blue rock. We installed the casing and pressurized the well - we have water!! God is so good! 


We have many key milestones ahead of us. Please continue to pray for God's protection, successful completion of the rest of our goals, and our safe return home."