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Jun 25, 2014

ECF Interviews the Rev. Al Rodriguez on Latino/Hispanic Ministry

In May, the Episcopal Church Foundation published an interview with the Rev. Al Rodriguez with his insights into Latino/Hispanic Ministry.


From ECF:


For the past twelve years, he has been convinced that our Latino/Hispanic ministry, aimed primarily at immigrant and first generation Latinos, misses two-thirds of that population.


“It’s kind of like an iceberg,” says Rodriguez.” We’re addressing the tip and missing the submerged two-thirds composed of second, third, fourth, and up generations of U.S. born Latinos, many of whom are English-dominant and acculturated.” With ALEO, he hopes to introduce a new paradigm, a “trans-generation Latino/Hispanic ministry,” that reaches out to “multi-generation Latinos (M-GL’s),” inviting and welcoming them into a Spanish or English setting, whichever fits them best.


Read the entire article here.