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Aug 09, 2016

ECW Fall Retreat Promises PJ’s, Popcorn & Fun

The planning for the 2016 ECW Fall Retreat, October 14-16 at Camp Allen, was going full force during the summer board meeting with ideas, suggestions and recommendations flying around the room. “There were suggestions for a repeat of last year’s Saturday night games with a photo-booth and sangria,” said Lisa Martin, diocesan ECW president. “Why don’t we have a slumber party with PJ’s, throw in some popcorn and the fun will happen,” another board member suggested. Thus, the 2016 ECW Retreat promises PJ’s, Popcorn & Fun!


St. James, Houston will host this year’s event, themed: Jesus is a Girl’s Best Friend. Jan Bethancourt, author of “Be Empowered! Eat Chocolate with Breakfast,” will keynote, urging attendees to recognize and embrace their strengths and to believe in themselves. An artist, author and motivational speaker, Bethancourt discovered that creative passions can combine to create a mission with passion for encouragement.


Fran Lantz from St. Christopher’s, League City, will share information on Days for Girls, the ECW diocesan outreach project to provide sustainable hygiene kits and health education to school-aged girls in developing countries. Additional outreach opportunities and ideas will also be presented including The Plarn Project, making sleep mats for homeless people created from plastic bags.


“Last year was so amazing, that I can’t wait for this October,” Martin said. “We are also expecting the Rt. Rev. Jeff Fisher, bishop suffragan, to be with us for our Saturday opening worship service and we will celebrate a number of Honored Women from many congregation.”


“Our last retreat was a blast and over the top. This year we expect to have even more fun,” Martin said.


There are a limited number of rooms, so Martin encouraged anyone who plans to attend, to register as soon as possible. Registration opens September 1 here. For further information, contact Ann Seyler, ECW communication coordinator.


Every woman in the diocese is a member of Episcopal Church Women, whether or not their congregation has an active chapter. All are invited to participate in the annual retreat. See more information here.