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Jun 04, 2012 | Luke Blount

EDOT Gallery Featured in Houston Chronicle Blog

St. Elena - Oil on canvas, Caroline...Caroline Ratliff's series "I life my eyes to the hills..." is currently on display at the EDOT Gallery in the Diocesan Center in Houston. Houston Chronicle blogger Menachem Wecker interviewed Ratliff about the series and the theme from Psalm 121, which reads: “I lift my eyes to the mountains; from where will my savior arrive? My savior is the Lord, the creator of the heavens and earth.”

Ratliff's show will be on display through June at the EDOT Gallery located at 1225 Texas St. in Houston. Open 9-5 weekdays.


From the Iconia blog:


Psalm 121 has always been her favorite psalm, she explains. “It gives me strength just as the mountains do. Being in the mountains is an addiction from which I draw strength. I am recharged,” she says.


But viewers need not share her beliefs to appreciate her Impressionist-styled paintings, Ratliff says.


“Most people did not know my paintings in the show at EDOT were based on Psalm 121 and just enjoyed the paintings for color and design,” she says. “I can feel the Lord’s presence when I paint. A non-believer can appreciate my paintings, and hopefully the paintings will convey my feelings and will touch his or her spirit.”

Read more here.