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Nov 19, 2019 | the Very Rev. Russ Oechsel

EDOT Spiritual Care Team: Deployment to Beaumont, Winnie & Fannett

EDOT's Spiritual Care Team

The EDOT Spiritual Care Team began our work driving to Beaumont on Monday, November 11, 2019.  We spent the afternoon in conversation with the Rev. Steven Balke at St. Stephen’s, Beaumont. Later in the day we drove to Ubi Caritas and conferred with their program director.  We spent the night in Winnie.

On Tuesday morning we began with prayer in the St. Mary’s, Cypress SUV.  We connected with the Baptist Church of Hamshire and had a wonderful experience there visiting with folks who had flooded in Imelda, many having also flooded in Harvey.  Then we helped them deliver boxes of Thanksgiving meals to over 250 area shut-ins. This gave us another chance to visit with and pray with other residents from the flooded area.  During the day we also talked to folks in the grocery store, Subway sandwich shop, etc.  All have been affected by the flooding.

On Wednesday morning, we began at the First United Methodist Church in Winnie. We met with the Administrative Assistant to the Pastor.  She had a list of shut-ins and we talked about who might need spiritual care.  We went for a drive around town and one of our group new people in Winnie.  She was able to connect with that couple and spent time with them hearing their story.  Due to travel away from Winnie, we were not able to connect directly with the Pastor.  It is likely that we will return to Winnie in the near future.