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Jun 29, 2011

Episcopal Church Supports Immigration Reform

The Episcopal Church signed on a letter to Secretary Napolitano on Administrative relief
The Episcopal Church joined faith and non-government organizations on a letter sent to Sec. Napolitano encouraging the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to exercise prosecutorial discretion available under current law to prevent or defer the removal of young people who would be eligible to benefit from the provisions of the DREAM Act and who are facing imminent removal to countries they may barely remember. 


The Episcopal Church signed on a letter supporting the extension of DED for Liberians
The Episcopal Church joint faith and non-government organizations on a letter asking for an extension of protection of Liberians and for enactment of legislation allowing Liberians who have lived in the U.S. under temporary protection to apply for permanent resident status. The United States has protected Liberians living in the U.S. from deportation since 1991. Each year, Liberians have registered for temporary protection (known as Deferred Enforced Departure or DED), paying filing fees to renew their status and work authorization. The Deferred Enforced Departure for Liberians will end September 30, 2011. 


To learn more about immigration issues for Liberians in the United States, go to:

 Read the sign-on letter here: Letter to President Obama from Nonprofit Signatories.