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Oct 25, 2012 | Luke Blount

Episcopal Clinic Installs Murals Painted by Students

reginald mocha
Reginald Adams (L) installs the murals at ECHOS

Epiphany Community Health Outreach Services (ECHOS), Houston, installed murals on Thursday featuring the children of clients who have immigrated to America.


ECHOS launched a project earlier this year, planning to create a mural across the clinic's offices. Executive Director Jean Kegler found artist Reginald Adams, the president of the Museum of Cultural Arts in Houston (MOCHA), and the two created a plan to enlist school children from nearby Brays Oaks YES Prep School to paint the murals based off of photos of clients' children. Adams digitized the photos and sketched the designs, and the schoolchildren painted them with his help. 


"Each portrait is broken down into just three colors," Adams said. "So it makes it easy for a non-artist to figure it out."


On another wall, ECHOS is going to hang a large world map, and they will provide pins for clients to mark their country of origin. 


"Our clients are primarily immigrants or refugees," Kegler said. "After we were renovated in April I wanted to get a big wall map, and was directed to MOCHA and Reginald. I had some ideas, and he had some ideas. And the project grew from there." 


After the completion of the hanging, ECHOS will hold a celebration on Sunday, November 11. 


Learn more about ECHOS here and MOCAH here.