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Jun 15, 2016

Episcopal Peace Fellowship Champions Ban on Assault Weapon Sales in Wake of Orlando Shooting

The Episcopal Peace Fellowship (EPF) vigorously affirmed President Barack Obama’s call to ban the sale of assault weapons following the worst mass shooting in US history at the Pulse June 12. Forty-nine people were killed and 53 others injured.


“Episcopal Peace Fellowship holds all victims of the Pulse massacre in prayer, while urging our membership toward action,” said the Rev. Allison Liles, EPF executive director.


“Homophobia, bigotry and racism exist around the world – however in the United States persons with these ideologies of hate have legal access to AR-15s. Assault rifles have no place in civilian society and EPF calls our members to contact legislators, to implore them to pass sensible gun laws such as an assault weapons ban, universal background checks on all private sales and legislation that prevents suspected terrorists on the no-fly list from buying guns," she said.


The Episcopal Peace Fellowship has championed peace, nonviolence and social justice issues since its founding on Armistice Day in 1939.


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