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Sep 21, 2011 | EDOT Staff

ERD Releases Blessing of the Animals Liturgy

Animal Blessing - DerkitsEpiscopal Relief & Development released a "Blessing of the Animals" module of their Abundant Life Garden Project, available on their Christian Formation page


This module, in the form of a pdf document, is a Children's Chapel Liturgy of the Word, designed specifically for St. Francis Day. The “print and go” module can be used with little or no preparation by volunteers and includes child-friendly prayers and a homily that can be read while photographs of children participating in ERD’s programs are shown on a screen, laptop, or in print form. There are also discussion questions and suggestions for outreach activities you might do.  


If you use the module, let ERD know how it went by sending an email to , and please include your name and the name of your parish or organization. And don’t forget to check out ERD’s Christian Formation resources.