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Jan 07, 2021

Exploring Racial Reconciliation: A Youth MLK Event

Exploring Racial Reconciliation: A Youth MLK Event

Jan. 18th 10-2:30
in Houston & on Zoom

This summer we have seen our community and nation struggle with issues of racism and equality. In light of recent events, we have spent time reflecting on our Baptismal covenant, specifically on the vow that says, “Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?” The response is, “I will, with God’s help.” As followers of Jesus, we are called to be agents of healing and reconciliation, but many times we don’t know where to begin. We may wonder, “what can I do to make a difference?”

Join the Episcopal Diocese of Texas in partnership with the Christ Church Cathedral on Monday, January 18th for a Racial Healing Day from 10:00 am - 2:30 pm

The day will begin with a conversation with a panel of leaders from the diocese of Texas where we will discuss race and racial healing in the context of our youth community. There will then be an opportunity to put your faith into action by exploring areas in which you can apply what was learned. 

Registration is required. Please register using this link:

Contact: Stephanie Townes ( ) or Marcia Quintanilla ( )