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Jan 14, 2014 | Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs

EYE14 Registration Now Open

Registration is now open for the popular Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) scheduled for July 9-13, 2014 at Villanova University in suburban Philadelphia, PA.

Drawing hundreds of youth from throughout the Episcopal Church, EYE14 is being planned in partnership with the Diocese of Pennsylvania.

The 2014 event marks the twelfth EYE and remains a popular and well-attended event. EYE 2014 is geared for youth in grades 9-12 during the 2013-2014 academic year and their adult leaders.

Bronwyn Clark Skov, Episcopal Church Youth Ministries Officer, explained: “EYE is an opportunity for the youth of the church to meet their peers and church leaders in a richly diverse environment, actively engaging the Five Marks of Mission while in Philadelphia.”

Each diocese is allowed up to 24 youth participants and six adult participants. Registration is $325 per participant (youth and adult) which includes meals and lodging. Diocesan delegations may also opt to participate in 3 Days of Urban Mission in Philadelphia immediately following the event for an additional $275 per participant.

Skov pointed out, “Diocesan delegations should represent all aspects of the diocese: ethnic, socio-economic, and cultural diversity, and a range of liturgical and theological expressions. They should be able to handle traveling away from home, honoring the community covenant, participating in all aspects of the event, and taking their learning home to their diocese, congregation, and community.”

Registration materials, available in English and Spanish, are here.

For information contact Skov at

Planning team
Planning team members are:

• Thomas Alexander, Diocese of Arkansas, Province 7
• Madeline Carroll, Diocese of Milwaukee, Province 5
• Whitney Chapman, Diocese of West Virginia, Province 3
• Ariana Gonzalez-Bonillas, Diocese of Arizona, Province 8
• Lillian Hardaway, Diocese of Upper South Carolina, Province 4
• Angela Hudnell, Diocese of Ohio, Province 5
• Cydney Jackson, Diocese of San Diego, Province 8
• Casey Nakamura, Diocese of Hawaii, Province 8
• Kayden Nasworthy, Diocese of Massachusetts, Province 1
• Joseph Prickett, Diocese of Nebraska, Province 6
• Justin Thao, Diocese of Minnesota, Province 6
• Hauseng Vang, Diocese of Minnesota, Province 6
• Roger Villatoro, Diocese of  Southeast Florida, Province 4
• Rosanna Vizcaino, Diocese of the Dominican Republic, Province 9


• Arlette Benoit, Diocese of Atlanta, Province 4
• Vincent Black, Diocese of Ohio, Province 5
• Randy Callender, Diocese of Maryland, Province 3
• Cookie Cantwell, Diocese of East Carolina, Province 4
• Randall Curtis, Diocese of Arizona, Province 7
• Earl Gibson, Diocese of Los Angeles, canonically resident in Diocese of Arizona, Province 8
• Andrew Kellner, Diocese of Pennsylvania, Province 3
• Shannon Kelly, Diocese of Southern Ohio, canonically resident in Diocese of Milwaukee,


Province 5
• Abigail Moon, Diocese of Florida, Province 4