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Feb 01, 2021

First Woman Ordained a Priest in El Salvador, The Rev. Hannah Atkins Romero, Celebrates 25 Years of Ordination

A third generation Episcopal priest, the Rev. Hannah E. Atkins Romero was ordained in 1996, the first woman ordained a priest in El Salvador. She is now Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Midtown. She was ordained by Bishop Martin Barahona who was the first Salvadoran bishop of El Salvador. He ordained her on behalf of her sponsoring Diocese,  the Diocese of New Jersey. Rev. Romero shared some memories of her historic ordination through the photos below.

"This was my first Advent at my church, which was a street mission in a gang- filled (MS13) area, in a housing project for folks who had been displaced from the countryside during the war, la Iglesia Santisma Trinidad."

"The preacher, The Rev. Rosa Brown, first woman ordained in Costa Rica, is in the background here."

"This is a drawing of my street mission where I first served, La Iglesia de la Santisima Trinidad en San Martin, El Salvador in a housing project for people who had been displaced by the Civil War there."