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Oct 04, 2016

Five St. Stephen’s Seniors Named National Hispanic Award Honorees


St. Stephen’s National Hispanic Recognition Program honorees (left to right): Nikki McAllister, Taylor Watkins, Miguel Otero, Natalie Huang and Sarah Rogge


St. Stephen's Episcopal School is pleased to announce that five Spartan seniors have been named National Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP) award honorees. This year’s winners from the Class of 2017 include Natalie Huang, Nikki McAllister, Miguel Otero, Sarah Rogge and Taylor Walters.


Each year NHRP honors 5,000 of the highest-scoring Hispanic/Latino students nationwide from among more than 250,000 Hispanic/Latino juniors who take the PSAT/NMSQT.


“St. Stephen's is committed to building a diverse student body and inclusive campus community that attracts outstanding students from a wide variety of backgrounds,” said Bob Clagett, director of college counseling. “Our National Hispanic award winners represent the best of this ideal. The full school community joins me in celebrating their many accomplishments — both in the classroom and beyond.”


The St. Stephen’s community congratulates these outstanding students on their academic achievements.