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Apr 19, 2012 | Luke Blount

Flocking? The Inventive Way One Church is Raising Money

Flamingo FlockingSt. Andrew's, Pearland, is using the prank of "flocking" to raise money for their work camp mission trip this summer. For a fee of $10, the work campers will place a small flock of 12 plastic pink flamingo lawn ornaments in the yard of a neighbor, friend or soon-to-be foe. $20 will buy a large flock of 24 flamingos, and for those seeking an even bigger flock, the group will allow patron pranksters to add flocks together.


For those that would like to assure that their homes don't get flocked, the group offers anti-flocking insurance for a $25 donation. All of the proceeds will be help pay for the church's trip to Roswell, New Mexico, where they will repair homes for the elderly and indigent.


If you are near Pearland and would like to flock a friend, email Jenn Neitzey