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Feb 21, 2018

Future in Sustainability is Camp Allen’s Priority

Bishop Andy Doyle asked the clergy and delegates present at Diocesan Council the simple question, “How many of you have been transformed by an experience at camp?”, and chair legs quickly scraped across the floor as 75% of the room rose to their feet.  Since 1921, Camp Allen has been home for these life-changing experiences in our diocese.

Camp Allen is home to hundreds of parish, clergy, diocesan youth, vestry, Christian formation, ECW, and DOK retreats and programs annually. Our successful growth has led to a major challenge, however: we are out of room. Summer camps fill by early April, and we turn away hundreds children every year. This also means that we have to turn away many fine young leaders who cannot secure a position on our team. 

The Centennial Fund for Sustainability is underway to fund projects that focus on expanding capacity and improving operations to ensure its future sustainability for the next century of campers. The focal point of the Centennial Fund is a fourth campsite and an all-camp dining hall that will enable 1,000 children more each summer to experience a life-changing week at Camp Allen. Over $8 million of a $12.9 million goal has been received, and we need the support of our diocesan family to complete the campaign

Bishop Doyle and Camp Allen President, George Dehan, encouraged parish representatives at Council to prayerfully consider naming a chapel bench ($10,000), bunkroom, or even a cabin at Campsite 4. Gifts of all sizes will be gratefully acknowledged and may be paid over multiple years. It brings us no greater joy than to see the churches of our diocese come together to make this vision a reality. For additional information and naming opportunities, please contact Lauren Day at   or 936.870.2419. Thank you for supporting your camp!

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