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Nov 03, 2011

General Convention Deputies Gather at Camp Allen

General Convention Deputies


General Convention deputies and alternates gathered November 3 at Camp Allen for an orientation in preparation for next summer’s gathering in Indianapolis, July 3-11.


Pictured are: (l-r) Mary Parmer, Kerry Hancock, the Rev. Jan Dantone, Clint Capers, the Rev. Patrick Miller, Elizabeth Smith, David Harvin, the Rev. Mark Crawford and the Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle. Other deputies and alternates include: the Rev. David Boyd, the Rev. Frank Fuller, Laurie Eiserloh, Bishop Dena Harrison, Ora Houston, the Rev. Susan Kennard, the Very Rev. Joe Reynolds, the Rev. Chuck Treadwell and Trey Yarborough. Houston and Yarborough joined the group by phone for the initial meeting.